La búsqueda en el parque

Once upon a time, there was a happy family. There was a mother, a father, and me. We loved spending time together and doing fun things.

One sunny day, we decided to go on an adventure to the park. We packed our snacks and toys and headed out. As we walked through the colorful flowers and green trees, we laughed and talked. When we reached the park, we saw other families playing too.

I ran towards the swings while my mother pushed me higher and higher. "Weee! This is so much fun!" I shouted with joy. My father joined us on the slide.

He climbed up the ladder with me by his side. "Hold my hand tight," he said as we slid down together. It felt like flying! After playing for a while, it was time for lunch.

My mother spread out a blanket under a big shady tree, and we sat down to eat sandwiches and fruits. Yummy! Suddenly, we heard someone crying nearby. We looked around and saw a little girl sitting alone on a bench. She looked sad.

I went up to her and asked if she wanted to play with us. —"What" s wrong?" I asked with concern. The little girl sniffled and said, "I lost my mommy. "—"Don" t worry," said my mother kindly as she approached us.

"We" ll help you find your mommy. "We all held hands as we searched for her mom in the crowded park. Finally, we spotted her near the ice cream stand! The little girl ran into her mom"s arms happily.

"Thank you for helping me," she said with gratitude. —"You" re welcome," my father replied warmly. As our new friend left with her mom, she waved goodbye with a smile on her face.

Back at home that evening, I snuggled in bed between my mom and dad for storytime before sleep. "You are brave," my dad whispered. "And always remember, we will always be here for you, no matter what.

""And we love you very much," my mom added, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I smiled and hugged them tightly. "I love you too," I said softly.

With happy hearts and dreams of new adventures, we drifted off to sleep knowing that our family was strong and full of love. The end.

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