La misión de los tres amigos

Title: The Haunted HouseOnce upon a time, in a small town called Willow Creek, there was a haunted house at the end of the street. The townspeople whispered about the strange occurrences that took place inside its walls.

No one dared to enter, except for three brave friends named Emma, Lucas, and Mia. One foggy evening, the friends gathered outside the old house.

Emma shivered as she said, "I heard that this house has been abandoned for years. "Lucas nodded and replied, "Yes, it"s said that strange noises can be heard coming from inside at night. "Mia gulped nervously and added, —"Let" s find out if it"s true.

"With trembling hands, they pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside. The air was musty and cold, sending chills down their spines. As they explored the dark corridors, shadows danced on the walls. Suddenly, they heard a faint whisper echoing through the halls.

"-Who dares to disturb my slumber?" a ghostly voice spoke. The friends froze in fear as they saw a transparent figure floating towards them. It was the ghost of an old lady with hollow eyes and tattered clothes.

Emma gasped and whispered, "-What do you want from us?"The ghostly figure moaned softly before replying,"I am trapped in this house until someone solves the mystery of my death. "Determined to help put her spirit to rest, Emma suggested searching for clues.

They rummaged through dusty books and old belongings until they found a hidden journal.

As Mia flipped through its pages,"I think I found something! It says here that she was wrongfully accused of witchcraft and cursed before her untimely death. "Lucas exclaimed,"We need to break the curse to set her free!"They followed clues from the journal and discovered an ancient spell written on a piece of parchment hidden in an attic trunk.

With shaking hands, they recited the incantation aloud. A blinding light filled the room as the ghostly figure let out a sigh of relief before vanishing into thin air. The house suddenly felt warmer as if lifted from an invisible weight.

The friends looked at each other with smiles of triumph knowing they had helped bring peace to the haunted house once and for all.

And from that day on, Willow Creek no longer feared what lay within its walls thanks to three brave friends who faced their fears head-on. (Note: Approximate token count: 335)

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