Stand Up and Shine

Tom was going to school when suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from the nearby park. He was curious and decided to investigate.

As he got closer, he saw that a group of kids were bullying a smaller child. Tom knew that this was wrong and wanted to help. "Hey, stop it!" Tom shouted at the bullies. The bullies turned around and looked at him with anger in their eyes.

They started walking towards him, but Tom stood his ground. "What are you gonna do about it?" one of them said. Tom took a deep breath and said: —"I" m not afraid of you. Bullying is never okay.

"One of the bullies pushed Tom, making him fall to the ground. But instead of giving up, Tom got back on his feet and continued standing up for what was right. Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

The small child who had been bullied stepped forward and said: "Stop it! Leave him alone!"The bullies were surprised by this sudden change in attitude from their victim. They stopped bothering both kids and walked away ashamed of their actions.

Tom thanked the small child for standing up for himself and told him that he would always be there if he needed someone to talk to or stand up for him again. From that day on, Tom became friends with the small child who had been bullied.

Together they learned that being kind is much more powerful than being mean, and that standing up for what is right can make a big difference in someone"s life.

They also talked about how important it is to tell someone if they"re being bullied or see someone else being bullied so they can get help from adults or teachers at school.

In the end, Tom realized that sometimes unexpected things happen in life, but if we stay true to ourselves and our values we can overcome any obstacle thrown our way.

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