The Magic Kite

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a little boy named Tommy. He loved playing with his colorful kite, which he had received as a birthday present from his grandpa.

Tommy's kite had a special power - whenever it flew up high in the sky, it would make all the children in the town feel happy and joyful. One sunny day, Tommy went to the park with his kite.

As he was running with the kite in hand, he saw his friend Sarah looking sad. Tommy went up to her and said, "Hey Sarah, would you like to fly my magic kite with me? It always makes me feel better when I'm sad."

Sarah looked at the kite with curiosity and nodded. They both ran to an open field, and as soon as the kite soared up, Sarah's frown turned into a big smile.

"Wow, Tommy, this is amazing! I feel so much better now," said Sarah, giggling. From that day on, Tommy and Sarah became best friends and shared the magic kite with all the kids in the town. They flew the kite high, and everyone felt happy and carefree.

The news about the magic kite spread, and soon children from neighboring towns came to play with it. Tommy and Sarah's friendship grew stronger, and they learned that sharing happiness with others is the most magical thing of all.

And so, the little town became known for its joyful and cheerful children, all thanks to the magic kite and the kind heart of a little boy named Tommy.

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