The Skateboard Lesson

Once upon a time, there was a group of skater friends in 6th grade. They loved to ride their skateboards and do tricks at the park.

One day, they decided to borrow one of their brother"s skateboard without permission. "Hey guys, let"s take my brother"s skateboard for a spin," said Tom excitedly. "Are you sure that"s a good idea?" asked Sarah hesitantly. "Come on, what could go wrong?" replied Tom confidently.

The friends took turns riding the skateboard and doing tricks until suddenly, the board snapped in half!"Oh no! What are we going to do? We broke your brother"s skateboard!" exclaimed Jack. "We have to fix this somehow.

He is going to be so mad!" said Emily worriedly. After thinking for a while, they came up with an idea. They would each contribute some money towards buying a new skateboard for Tom"s brother as an apology.

"I can chip in $10," offered Sarah. —"I" ll add another $10," said Jack. One by one, they all contributed some money until they had enough to buy a brand new skateboard for Tom"s brother.

They went to the store together and picked out the best one they could find with the money they had collected. Tom gave his brother the new skateboard and apologized for breaking his old one. His brother forgave him and was happy with his new board.

The friends felt proud of themselves for taking responsibility for their mistake and making things right again.

From that day on, they learned that it is important to ask permission before borrowing something from someone else and that if you make a mistake, it is important to take responsibility for your actions and make amends when possible.

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